Drake is coming to the popular nightclub Love on May 16th. Everyone and their grandma is going to be there from the calls and txts I have gotten. Im def tryna be up there but ..Love line is no joke on the regular ..and this lightskin papermate lookin ass nigga aint gon make it no better! VIP tables are over a G and general admission is 40 and that dosen't even get you close to the stage!!!!!!! Like wtf??? Im guessing that Drake is going to be bringing surprise guests ..like...

Lol..I mean lets be serious people..he dosen't have a album coming out ..he isn't even signed to a major label yet?? SO WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT SO OD!!!!!! I bang with Drake..for real..I was listening to Comeback Season last summer...but I mean really ..wtf ...Im not sure I can fade all this shit ..and if I go and dont get in??...There is gon b problems.

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